Saturday, November 9, 2013

What kind of Soil are You? The Path?!

"The Path" is the kind Soil, that according to the parable, describe when the word is planted there is no understanding and the enemy quickly comes and snatches what was sown in our hearts (Mathew 13:1-4;18-19).

In my previous post I spoke on the types of soil in the Parable of the Sower. Here I will be focusing on the first soil, so we can know when we might be in this position and how best to overcome it. 

From a believers perspective this could be us, as new converts or those of that have been in the church for a long while and feel as though they know the scriptures all so well. There could be a message coming from the pulpit, but we fail to grasp it, sometimes it is feels unreal, how can this be?  we ask, this is a hard saying! we moan, this must be a joke! no this cant be true in this day and age!  while these questions can be raised and be legitimate, lets be aware of the enemy who has come to snatch away the truth from us.

By no means am I saying you should not question what you digest, the Berean Christians did so, what I am saying is to follow their examples, are there questions arising from a sermon that is unclear to you? Seek clarification and understanding. This is what the people in the category called "the path" lacked.

How do you seek understanding. We seek understanding trough the Holy Spirit, John 14:26James 1:5, before you go for a sermon pray for understanding, pray that the lord God will bring a fresh understanding to you, this is paramount. The Holy Spirit is our advocate.

Second, discourse this with fellow believers, they will bring to your knowledge that missing piece that will clarify you confusion. 

Third, look for examples in the bible, the bible is full of case studies of  men and women who have gone through all that was written in it and triumphed. These examples will shine a light on your doubts and lack of understanding.

Finally, wait on the Lord, keep on fellowship with the brethren, the right answer will definitely come at God's own timing, just because you did not get a full understanding of a message does not mean you should stay away from Worshiping the Lord. At the right time the "aha" moment will come.

Till next time my friends. Maranatha.

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