For a long time I always viewed the parable of the sower (Matthew 13:1-23; Mark 4:1-29; Luke 8:4-15) with a different view. I always believed that the seed that fell on the road / path and rocky path referred to unbelievers and the seed that fell on thorns and good soil referred to believers. Although I believe there is nothing wrong with this version of understanding. The seed is the Word of God that is sown to all lives whether believing or not believing, the main issue here is the soil that it fell on? And here lies my question; What kind of Soil are You?
As I mentioned earlier my previous understanding of the text makes me believe that the soil the seeds fell on where evenly divided by whether one is an unbeliever or a believer, but as have been reading these texts recently, I have been directed to a different understanding.
I have been looking at it from a believer's point of view. Christians are regularly blessed with the word of God, but yet we still find those who go through the same phases outlined in the parable of the sower, those who receive the word without understanding, those who receive the Word with Joy but yet no root to sustain them, those who seemingly overcome the former two, have understanding and joy of the word to some extent but yet when tested by the trials of life give in, and finally those who hear the word and understand it and bear fruit.
To be sincere it takes a lot of spiritual consciousness and humility to identify where one truly lies, at different stages of our Christian growth we all can identify where we were or are, but it takes the direction and power of the Holy Spirit to make us the Good Soil that the Lord expects us to be. But we must consciously seek this, we must seek and pray understanding and wisdom to overcome and not be the soil that lacks understanding, we must pray for guidance and study the Word of God to overcome and not be the soil that has no root, We must practice the word of God and seek first the Kingdom of God in all we think and do, to overcome and not be the soil that the worries of life and deceitful riches choke our fruitfulness. Then we will be able to be that Good soils that bears good fruit, some thirty, some sixty, some a hundredfold.
I do pray brothers and sisters that the Lord will lead us through the Holy spirit to be all we can be in Christ. Amen.
I will focus on each type of soil in subsequent posts. Stay Tuned.
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