Sunday, December 15, 2013

What kind of Soil are You? The Good Soil?!

Finally, the Good Soil. Christ said " the seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop - some thirty, some sixty, and some a hundred times as sown." He explained, that these individuals  heard and understood the word. Leading them to yield crops (Mathew 13: 8;23).

Fellow believers, this is were we should all be longing to be. We need good understanding that goes beyond shallow roots, and will withstand thorns. We need the understanding that comes from the Holy Spirit.

This ties back to the second write up on this series, about seeking understanding. This is Key, understanding will subdue our human thinking and say Lord make my decisions for me, help me make the right decision (Proverbs 3:5-7).

The Soil is called good because it produced good fruits. Good fruits are results of abiding in Christ, abiding in Christ is the resolution one has made to live for Him and allow Him live through us. Christ said he is the Vine that good fruits are borne from (John 15:1-17).

My prayer is that we will allow the Lord, through the Holy Spirit, to encapsulate us and use us for His glory. This way, we will bear both physical and spiritual fruits that will be satisfying and long lasting, here on earth and for eternity (Luke 18:18-30).

Till next time, remain blessed and stay strong in the faith we have been called to. Amen.


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