For those who have been following this
series, I move on to the next kind of Soil,
These are the kind of soil who receive the word but are choked by
thorns (worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the
word, making it unfruitful).
One thing that quickly jumps out here is that, the previous soil,
were persecuted on account of the word, but here we see that these set
of individuals are more concerned about worries of this life, which choke the
Word. I will like to mention that the worries of Life and deceitfulness
of riches act as
blinders) to the Word these
individuals received and understood.
I will take it a step further and
say that if we were to look at this as a gradual procedure from the first soil, then this
individuals might have even overcome some persecutions on account of the
Word. The enemy being frustrated devices a new strategy and decides to
touch their health, family, riches then worry starts to creep in and
their trust in God is shaken, the truth of the word is choked, they struggle to hold on to the Word, it sounds absurd. Or in another case the Devil lures them
into riches, greatness, material wealth and they get so involved in
attaining these things that they lose focus on Christ, their views are distorted.
things happen subtly, and as you can see from my writing, it is
difficult to pin point where or when it might arise. For each individual our
case might be different,
but on thing we know is that there will be
distractions from focusing on God, and that is our clue. Regardless on how
this might creep in, once we notice distractions in our worship and
fellowship we can be certain there is something trying to take the
number one spot in our lives, Christ.
So how do we ensure that we are not distracted my the worries and deceitfulness of wealth.
Mathew 6:33; Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all other things will be added to you.
Here we can see that wealth itself is not bad but our main focus should always be on God. Once this is so, we should be confident that we will
overcome. Christ should be our Focus.
For greater understanding on how to overcome thorns read the book of
Till next time were I discuss the final soil, remain blessed.