Justice; yes the Lord is a just God. He is righteous and expects equity, fairness and love from Christians to all men.We can see how the Lord loves justice that he explicitly commands that we are just ourselves, He prefers justice to the burnt offerings and sacrifices that we may offer (Micah 6:6-8; Isaiah 1:11-17; Zechariah 7: 9-10).
He has also asked us to appoint just leaders to rule over us to judge His people fairly (Deut 16:18-20). We will need to pray for our leaders as well as go beyond the physical likeness when we go out to choose these leaders.
As Christians we should try to work in Justice, as much as lies with us, we should treat each other the way we want to be treated and according to the principles of the word of God. We need to love our neighbors, our friends, acquaintances and even our enemies to be able to overcome any form of evil that comes our way.
Justice as with other Christ-Like attitudes can be achieved by submitting to the Lord, humbling ourselves and letting the Holy Spirit guide us. I pray that as we continue to work with God that His grace and Spirit will lead us to conform to His will for our Lives.
Remain Blessed. Maranatha.