Hebrews 11:29 "It was by faith that the people of Israel went right through the Red Sea as though they were on dry ground. But when the Egyptians tried to follow, they were all drowned".
Our faith has to be dependent on God, as you can see from the verse above, both the Isrealites and the Egyptians attempted to cross the red sea. We can both be assured that both parties were determined to get to the other part. However, what was the difference? The Isrealites kind of faith was anchored on God ALMIGHTY, whereas that of the Egyptians was borne out of their own physical will- illusions. They saw that the Israelites walked through dry ground and thought they could do the same.
One thing is for sure, as we all know the only way the Israelites could cross the red sea is because the LORD of HOST was with them. Their faith was anchored to the ALMIGHTY. The Egyptians on the other hand, believed with there eyes, they saw the Isrealites do the impossible and still thought they could.
My brothers and sisters, do not be weary of working with God this 2012.Trust in HIM with all your might. As with the above we can see that the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY will be with us all the way. If our Focus, Faith and Trust is anchored on HIM, even when our enemies want to tread behind us, they will not succeed, just as the Egyptians tried and failed. They did not have YHWH by their side, We do. Amen